Turning the rim on an Oklahoma Double Wall

When you get ready to turn the spokes on the rim for the Oklahoma Double Wall, take a long weaver, weave around the basket at least twice, leaving enough to go around your basket once the spokes are turned, then turn your spokes. Once the spokes are turned now resume weaving with the weaver. This outer wall should be woven very tight against the inside wall, this weaver will help keep the upper part of the outer wall from becoming to loose. Weave very tightly around the basket as you go. (I learned this weaving one of Peggy Brennen's Oklahoma Double Wall basket kits)

If you turn the spokes and then start a weaver, you will run into problems getting the weaver to stay in place and in some cases it will pull loose, causing the outside wall to become too loose and it will not lay tightly against the inside wall.


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